Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bark Peeled Off - Anyone Else?

Today I noticed that our apple tree has a limb that has been stripped almost completely bare of its bark. It was too late in the day to get a photograph of it, but it was quite a nude branch.

Google search results indicate that it is probably squirrels. The other possibilities would involve damage lower on the tree trunk. The bark had been stripped off of a horizontal limb. The only bark still on the limb was around a knot on the underside of the limb, which told me that the offender was on top of the limb.

Has anyone else has any such marauding squirrels?


mountainmelody said...

Well, I have several friendly (or NOISY) squirrels who live upstairs from me, but unfortunately they don't pay rent.

No tree problems, though...

Shannon said...

The only critters denuding trees around here are horses,GRRR. If only they didn't have those big, soft, liquid eyes....